- Superlatives Lesson with
Ms. R's Class
- Magic Tree House reading
with Ms. R's class with a focus on research skills
- Began utilizing Little
Bits with Mr. Green’s class to teach circuits
- Initiated CARE training
- Re-examine safety of
library after several incidents
- Newsletter with a focus on
CARE resources
I expanded my Little Bits unit to Mr. Green’s high school
science class. Unfortunately attendance in his class was quite low, so I worked
2:1 with his students on expanding their circuitry lesson.
There have been several incidents of students in the library
during crisis. This has resulted in books being destroyed, book ends being
thrown across the room, shelves becoming unstable and general trashing of the
library. Knowing the potential for bodily harm, I worked with administration to
educate staff that the library should be avoided when a student is going into
crisis. I also removed objects that were readily available to throw and secured
items to the wall.