Thursday, July 9, 2020

2020 June

With the new curriculum maps completed by the team, it became my job to review and edit for quality and consistency. The maps were updated this year to include the New Generation standards and CARE concepts. CARE is the framework that our organization utilizes in all their client interactions. The integration of CARE into the curriculum reinforces our commitment to the overall treatment of our clients. During the final read-through of the maps, I reviewed the educational resources, making sure they were of the highest quality and universally accessible to all our schools. 

I had applied for the Library of Congress Primary source camp for the third time this year. I had a good feeling I would be accepted, but because of COVID, the program was cancelled. I will keep applying until I get accepted. Utilizing primary sources in the classroom is such an underutilized tool. I made up for the program being cancelled by attending several LOC webinars of primary sources. They were very interesting, but not quite the same as being walking distance from the actual LOC!

Back in the UMD days at LOC!