Monday, September 13, 2010

What Makes worthwhile YA?

 From LibraryThing

I just read this great book called The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart.

I’ll leave the traditional book reviewing to the professionals and experienced. I have just a few words to say about one narrow aspect of the book.

I really liked the concept of 'neglected positives' presented in this book. It is (as far as I know) not a real grammatical rule. I’ll have to use my librarian powers to dig past my initial Google search of the term. I have always struggled with grammar; I especially find it difficult to be interested in. Past participles, gerunds, passive voice, etc., it just doesn’t click with me.  But after reading about Frankie’s ‘gruntled-ness’, I felt inspired. I remember hearing about a podcast called Grammar Girl. I think that I just might load it up and become my own grammar girl.

This is the type of young adult book that I look for. I want an intriguing story that connects its readers with a worthwhile concept…it could be a connection to a classic book, like in Finding Alaska or exploring mortality like in Going Bovine, or dealing with difficult life situations like in Speak and Tyrell.

As I gain experience with ‘RA for YA’ I hope to continue to develop my ability to connect books with interests, personalities, and life situations of my students. 

BTW, I just found this great blog called Forever Young Adult:

Friday, September 10, 2010

RRLC Annual Meeting

Image from RRLC Annual Meeting 2010

Earlier this summer I attended the RRLC Annual Meeting. It was a great opportunity to get to know some other librarians in the area. I was really inspired by the winners of the Library of the Year award. I was especially inspired by the energetic personality of the Barclay Elementary librarian, Suzanne Shearman. She has a wonderful program that truly engages the students.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sign Language for Librarians

My Sign Language for Librarians workshop lives! The RRLC will be hosting my workshop this November. I am working to improve the format. I received a few great ideas from a local librarian. I will be adding more interactive components and more general signs. Can't wait to get started! I am excited to see this workshop continue to grow.