Monday, December 1, 2014

2014 November Theme: Family

  • Gave about 40 books to students
  • Screened and labeled about 200 books students
  • Processed all but 3 of 18 boxes of new donations
  • Began weekly circulation stats
  • Sent information for Laura Bush Grant application
  • Started a weekly class with Ms. T’s class
November consisted of processing lots and lots of donations. We got about 18 boxes of books from several sources (The majority of the books came from an unknown source.) I processed the books by screening their content using Commonsense Media and reviews. Typically I don’t like to censor books, but in the interest of the treatment of our students, I removed any books that had graphic description of sexual or physical abuse or the glorification of violence. From the remaining books, I divided them into three sections: 1.) To be added to the library; 2.) To be distributed to elsewhere on campus; 3.) To be used as give-a-ways.