Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ramblings from Wordstock

This weekend I volunteered at Wordstock, Portland's book festival. It was a great time. Most of the time when I tell people that I want to become a librarian they say, "No, what do you really want to be?". It was very nice to be surrounded by people who are on the same wavelength.

I spent most of my time waiting for authors to check in prior to their talks. I got to meet a few very nice authors, none of whom I have heard of. I will have to make a point to get their books from the library.

The festival reminded me of the ALA conference I went to in Seattle but with a focus on printing, publishing and authors. I didn't get as much insight into the publishing world as I wanted, but I did find a really cool website called book crossing (www.bookcrossing.com). Basically it is a loosely organized 'library' (and I use the term library loosely). People read a book, leave it in a public place and log it's location on the website. The website allows for searching by title, author or location. It's basically a literary Geocashing adventure. It may not be well organized, but it fills the randomness void that everyone has in this overly structured world.

Don't get me wrong, structure is a wonderful thing, but so is randomness. That's how I seem to live my life, highly structured, but full of randomness. I really need to explore this whole idea of opposites working in tandem (ying and yang-esqueness).

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