- Finalize student laptop delivery
- Pick up book donations from Spencerport
- Managed Cutler library
- Applied to LOC summer institute
- Started Work Based Hours with students
This fall, a campus principal contacted me about starting a work based hours program with students. I was excited to do this project, as I have been implementing similar initiatives at other campuses. It is a long term goal of mine to create a self-sustaining lending library at each campus. Being the only librarian, I can’t manage all campuses, but I could support a self-run program at each school. I worked to gather the necessary resources and partners and started with my first group of students this month. The buy-in wasn’t what I had hoped for, but I am optimistic that with time, the program will grow.
This month, I also ran the home stretch in distributing new student laptops to classrooms. I worked with the principal to create an application system for teaching teams to ‘apply’ for devices in their rooms. The goal of the application process was to ensure teaching teams were prepared for efficient and responsible use of the devices in their classrooms. I asked teachers to review documentation, provide student contracts and write a device management plan for their classroom. Additionally, I requested each teacher to create and submit an example lesson plan outlining how they will infuse the device into their everyday instruction. It is nice to finally be getting technology into our classrooms.