- Train entire staff on Google Classroom
- Quatrains with Ms. Rs’ Class
- Print student handbook
- Principals meeting to discuss e-books
- Prep presentation for Superintendent's Conference Day
Digital School Library Next Steps
- Redraw Contract with Overdrive: Add remaining schools to the Digital School Library.
- Reactivate Reading Options: Technology has configured browser only reading options. Reading via devices and apps has been disabled. The purpose of utilizing a Digital School Library is to increase student reading, if we don’t allow students to utilize reading apps on ipads or utilize kindles, we critically limit accessibility. The limitation was made due to inconsistent results when testing books being returned early when devices are disconnected from the internet. It’s possible that the book assignment feature can alleviate these issues. If testing results are positive, the reading options will be re-activated.
- Activitate Simple Login: Simple Login is an easy-to-use, easy-to-remember login option that allows students to borrow titles for 2 hours. It’s ideal for teaching students about using OverDrive, getting students reading before accounts have been set up, classroom reference or research projects, or for younger users.
- Install OverDrive Application: Install OverDrive application on all devices, including teacher and student laptops and iPads.
- Explore Free options: Overdrive is a wonderful tool, but it is severely limited to our budget. There are a few free options available via Overdrive, but they only support a small fraction of the English and reading curriculum.
- EPIC!: (https://www.getepic.com/app/personalize_educator_welcome)
- Open e-books (http://www.fbmarketplace.org/openebooks)
- Approve Kindle Readers: Explore purchasing Kindle readers. Benefits over iPads: cheaper, more durable, easier to read, less eye strain, longer battery life, less distractions for students (other apps).
- Add Advantage Plus feature to Overdrive: The Advantage Plus feature will allow for Title I purchasing and other campus restricted collections.
Using OverDrive as a Digital School Library will help bring our schools into the 21st century. With some adjustments and training, a Digital School Library can help improve education by providing affordable, shareable reading resources.