Tuesday, March 7, 2017

2017 February

  • Introduced Cosmic Kids to Ms. R's Class (Focus on sorting: both physical and mental)
  • Continued Little Bits lessons with Mr. Green’s class
  • Brighton Library Book Sale set up
  • Begin writing workshop with Ms. R's class
  • Begin planning for book festival and author visits in May
  • Continued CARE training
In keeping with CARE, I have begun inserting Cosmic Kids meditations, Zen Den and Yoga into primary classes. So for, it has been well received. I am currently waiting on yoga mats to arrive so we can more fully integrate Cosmic Kids into the classroom.

Again, we have a wonderful opportunity to have two nationally known authors speak at our school. I am working with the English teachers and administration to provide a wonderful opportunity for our students. 

Little Bits car built by Ms. R's class!