- School wide book festival!
- Ellen Hopkins talk to
select students
- Delivered ~300 books to
the units
- Worked on parts of speech
unit with Ms. R's Class
- Processed large donation
from City of Rochester library
The Spring Book Festival was a success! In
partnership with the St. John Fisher College Senor class of 2016, the Monroe
County Library, the Library presented an afternoon celebration
of reading. Students spent the afternoon learning about a variety of book
genres; including graphic novels, urban fiction, poetry, historical fiction and
non-fiction. Each student participated in an informational scavenger hunt where
St. John Fish College students provided clues and answers. Over 50 students participated. Students also received free books courtesy of the Monroe
County Library System. Local librarians, Shelley Matthews and Darlene Saunders,
provided personalized readers advisory. They also distributed over 500 free
books to students.
Ellen Hopkins came to speak to a select group of students.
It was an interesting talk about the power of not giving up and the downside of
drug addiction. After this talk, the superintendent expressed interest in having other,
more diverse authors come to speak at our school. I have started the process of
securing a local author to speak later this summer or early fall.
I worked with a local librarian to deliver about 300 books
to the units. We went from unit to unit and removed old, titles then replaced
them with newer books donated by the Monroe County Library.
I continued working with Ms. R's class. We focused on
parts of speech. I read them a book on adjectives and verbs. We then used
knowledge from those books to complete several hilarious Mad Libs. We also
started reading James and The Giant Peach.
Volunteers getting ready!
Scavenger hunt central
Superhero cape and balloons ready to go!