Monday, December 1, 2014

2014 November Theme: Family

  • Gave about 40 books to students
  • Screened and labeled about 200 books students
  • Processed all but 3 of 18 boxes of new donations
  • Began weekly circulation stats
  • Sent information for Laura Bush Grant application
  • Started a weekly class with Ms. T’s class
November consisted of processing lots and lots of donations. We got about 18 boxes of books from several sources (The majority of the books came from an unknown source.) I processed the books by screening their content using Commonsense Media and reviews. Typically I don’t like to censor books, but in the interest of the treatment of our students, I removed any books that had graphic description of sexual or physical abuse or the glorification of violence. From the remaining books, I divided them into three sections: 1.) To be added to the library; 2.) To be distributed to elsewhere on campus; 3.) To be used as give-a-ways.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

2014 October Theme: National Character Week

    • Poetry writing & appreciation work with elementary students
    • Character book display
    • Processed all donations (Sorted for library, units and give-a-ways)
    • Organized Million word Challenge materials and sent mailing to parents
    • Held first library open house
    • Attended superintendent’s PD meeting
    • Relabeled books shelves
  • October was a good month. I focused on teaching Ms. R’s and Ms. T’s class about poetry. We discussed types of poetry and how it breaks traditional rules of writing. We did brainstorming, poetry reading & viewing. At the end of the unit students created a poem that was framed and displayed in the library.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2014 September Theme: Kindness

    • Kindness book display
    • Kindness story times with Ms. R’s Class
    • Basic research skills with Ms. R’s Class (Parts of a book/search methods (index, TOC, Browsing)
This month went well. All goals were met.  I was able to weed a good selection of the old library and bring up worthwhile books to the new library. I organized both the fiction and nonfiction sections. I also inventoried all the fiction books using the new scanner. Programming wise, I worked with Ms. R’s class two times a week. We focused on storytelling, and basic research skills. I was able to make valuable connections with administration and unit staff for future library programming. I have begun to go through donations to identify books for the collection, give-a-ways, unit libraries and Christmas pillow gift program. I also began a list of books to purchase for the library.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Old and New

When I started the library was moved to a new room. The original library was a nice large room with plenty of room for reading and teaching classes, but there were several issues. The biggest issue, was repeated flooding. The library was also located in the basement quite a distance from all student classrooms. Although most librarians don't want flooding in the library, it ended up being a good thing, because I got a new room, much smaller, but closer to the students.

I am still in the process of moving up the non-fiction from the locked cabinets of the old library. It's a long process because the collection hasn't been weeded since perhaps 2000?

It's lots of work, but I really like being able to start from scratch. It's like a whole new lesson in being a school librarian. I also get quite a workout...I moved most of the shelves myself! 

Current library storybook and series sections

Current library non-fiction section

Current library librarians desk and non-fiction continued

Current library fiction section with cabinet for media

Walkway to old library

Old library was a nice size, but highlighted these horrible locked cabinets for the books

Closeup of locked cabinets

ARG! Locked cabinets... I had to wait months to get a key to these

Old library raised reference section

The Beginning

This blog is about to get official! After a few years of volunteering, I am now a school librarian. I hope to use this blog to document my progress in developing their library program. It will also be a diary of the development of my own skills as a teacher librarian.

Baseline Notes: 
-Non fiction collection hasn't been updated since about 2005?
-Fiction has been updated via title one purchases by school based manager and donations from local library
-No technology integration in library...classrooms have smart boards
-Minimal shelving due to relocation of library
-Summer reading program implemented by school based manager has been successful.
-Collaboration with local college students on book fair has been successful in past. 
-School based manager has done an excellent job of getting kids excited about give-a-ways, work study pay for library workers, general support of the library program.